
Daniel Muiruri

Daniel Muiruri

My name is Daniel Muiruri.

I am an Actuary by profession and also a qualified Accountant - an Accountuary?! My work revolves around solving pressing business needs in the realm of business risks and uncertainty. I use data to develop actuarial and financial models which predict real world outcomes such as the probability of a customer defaulting on their loan or probability of a person making an insurance claim as a result of a coconut smashing their head. To bring it closer home, I can help you predict when to carry an umbrella or not, except if you are based in London! I enjoy working with numbers and I hope to teach high school Mathematics in future, something I enjoyed doing before literally giving my life to actuarial consulting.

I initially moved to the UK in Jan 2022 on a 2 year secondment in pursuit of professional and personal development (and that of my descendants!). It took me about 6 months to settle then later blinked and the other 18 months were over! I am still here after being headhunted which changed my plans to return to Kenya after 2 years. I also really liked the weather, so I decided to stick around for a few more years! My self-imposed "sanction" for sticking around the UK is promoting Kenya as a prime holiday destination to colleagues and random people in London. Try it, it works!

When not working, I enjoy traveling and exploring new places. I like reading and watching edifying literature as well as interesting debates and photography.

In terms of interests, I am a big fan of giving back to society and causes that positively contribute to humanity. I am also curious about Kenyan history and nation building.

Hobbies and Interests

When not working, I enjoy traveling and exploring new places. I like reading and watching edifying literature as well as interesting debates and photography.

In terms of interests, I am a big fan of giving back to society and causes that positively contribute to humanity. I am also curious about Kenyan history and nation building.

Fun fact

Contrary to many people I am always excited about Monday and disappointed about the week ending as its a reminder I am a week older!

Thoughts on work life balance

I was recently asked about my definition of work-life balance in an interview and this was my inspirational definition, "Work-life balance is being able to go to work on Monday and taking Tuesday to Friday off." I think it was a good definition because I got a really good offer!

My current definition of work life balance is being able to successfully run one's most important life software at the same time in pursuit of your purpose. Work is one of the many pieces of software (and arguably not the most important!).

Some of my main pieces of software are family, my health and well being, social networks, good spiritual life, career (work), financial freedom, intellectual growth and positively contributing to humanity. Of course, these pieces of software vary by individual but a failure in one for me is a failure in the arena of work life balance. It is definitely possible to achieve work-life balance if you focus on your purpose, effectively prioritize and realize that there are other aspects of life that are supremely important.

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